The SsysArch Research Group is part of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at UCLA, and it is directed by Professor Nader Sehatbakhsh. Our research has been focused on improving the security of a wide range of systems -- from modern computers to resource-constrained embedded systems. We study how security can be ensured by finding new vulnerabilities, implementing new attacks, and developing effective defenses. Our research is generally divided into two broad categories: computer architecture security and IoT and mobile computing security . We have published at top-tier computer architecture conferences, mobile computing conferences, and security conferences. Our work is interdisciplinary, spanning Computer Architecture, Security, Hardware Design, Machine Learning, Digital Signal Processing, and System design. To learn more about our research, please see our Projects page. We always look for interested and highly-motivated undergrad and graduate (MS and Ph.D.) students. We are a diverse and inclusive group and would love to have you join us!