Nader Sehatbakhsh
Assistant Professor at the University of California,
Los Angeles
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office: Boelter Hall, 6731-G
Email: nsehat [at] ucla [dot] edu
Lab Webpage

I'm looking for highly-motivated students (Undergraduate, MS, Ph.D., and Postdoc students). To find out how you can join our team, or if you are a UCLA student and want to do research, please see this page.
About Me
I run the
Secure Systems and Architectures (SsysArch)
research lab at UCLA. My research interest is in the broad
area of Security and Privacy with emphasis on
hardware support for security and privacy.
Specifically, I'm interested in computer architecture,
IoT Security, embedded/cyber-physical systems,
trusted computing and hardware enclaves, and
security and privacy in machine learning. I'm
affiliated with the
Computer Engineering Lab in
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department at UCLA.
Prior to joining to UCLA, I was a PhD student at
the School of Computer Science in
Georgia Tech working with
Professor Milos Prvulovic
Professor Alenka Zajic
where I worked on
Securing Computing Systems by Mitigating and Leveraging
Side-Channels. I earned my PhD in Computer Science from Georgia
Tech in 2020. Before that, I earned my B.Sc. in
Electrical Engineering from the
University of Tehran in
2013. I joined UCLA since July 2020.
Recent Publications
For the complete list, please visit my Google Scholar page and our research lab's Publications page.
Active Projects
For the complete list of current and past projects, please visit our research lab's Projects page.
- New Lightweight Methods and Systems for Trustworthy and Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning.
- Pre-Silicon Physical and Digital Side-Channel Modeling.
- Secure and Private Internet of Trillion Collaborative Things.
- New Attacks and Defenses for Microarchitectural Side-Channels.
- Architecting the Next Generation of Secure Chiplet-Based Systems.
- Side-Channel for Good.
Selected Awards
- NSF CAREER Award, 2024.
- Cisco Research Award, 2022.
- UCLA Samueli Jumior Faculty Fellow Award, 2021.
- Best Paper Nominee, HPCA, 2020.
- Best Paper Award, MICRO, 2016.
Organizing Committee
- General Co-Chair, SafeThings, 2025.
- Poster Co-Chair, SenSys, 2025.
- Lightning Talk Chair, ASPLOS, 2024.
Program Committee
- NDSS, 2023-Current.
- CCS, 2023-Current.
- MICRO, 2019-Current.
- ISCA, 2020-Current.
- HPCA, 2022-Current.
- SenSys, 2023-2024.
- ICCAD, 2022-Current.
Journal Reviewer
- IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2019-Current.
- IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2020-Current.
- IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2018-2021.
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, 2019-2021.
- ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, 2020.
For the complete list of my current and past students,
please visit our research lab's
Following is the current list of my PhD advisees.
- Justin Feng (2021- )
- Fatemeh Arkannezhad (2022- )
- Hossein Khalili (2023- )
- Fan Zhang (2024- )
- Dao Xian (Samuel) Ding (2024- )